Service Level Guarantees & Service Level Credits

Last updated: December 19, 2016

Elasity, from iTMethods Inc. (“Elasity” or “iTMethods” or “Company”) is committed to protecting the health and reliability of your systems If you have questions or concerns regarding Elasity SLA’s, please e-mail Elasity at Please also visit our Support Services SLAs at

Elasity shall offer Service Level Credits (“SLC”) to Client should we not meet our strict standards for availability and data backup guarantees as follows:

ELASITY AVAILABILITY GUARANTEE (Atlassian Server License Deployments on Elasity)

Elasity will provide at least 99.95% service availability per calendar month (excluding reasonable and scheduled maintenance periods, which are usually scheduled at off hours periods) for Atlassian Server License deployments on Elasity. Should Client not experience these availability levels, we will refund Client 10% of the monthly Elasity Service fees for each additional 30 minutes of downtime.

ELASITY AVAILABILITY GUARANTEE (Atlassian Data Center License Deployments on Elasity)

Elasity will provide 100% service availability per calendar month (excluding reasonable and scheduled maintenance periods, which are usually scheduled at off hours periods) for Atlassian Data Center License deployments on Elasity. Should Client not experience these availability levels, we will refund Client 10% of the monthly Elasity Service fees for each 30 minutes of downtime.


We will guarantee that if an Elasity instance of yours, and its EBS data, is protected by our Managed Services and being backed up by us, (a) any data backups we take will be restorable to the condition that it was backed up, and (b) if such instance’s data backup is not restorable to what was backed up, we will refund to you 100% of the monthly Elasity Managed Services fees (for that month) for the instance whose data backup was not restorable to its backed up condition.  This guarantee shall only apply so long as you do not disrupt or disable any of our data backup capabilities, nor take any action or allow any action to be taken which compromises our ability to perform data backups.  Should Elasity restore backed up data to its prior state, which happened to be corrupted or unusable prior to us backing it up, then this guarantee shall not apply.